This page provides a collection of different materials for social media and othe publishing purposes.

Power point presentations

You can find the conference speakers’ Power Point presentations here. Not all presentations have been included due to copyright issues.

Social media pictures

Find the suitable pictures in Dropbox


Ensuring Consumers Know What They are Drinking – Labelling of Alcohol Products (2017) (4:46)
A Right to Know – Alcohol Labelling Across Europe (2019) (1:39)


Read the press release here: Press release

Further reading

EuroCare: We Care about Labeling
EPT-network in English
In Vino Veritas: A pan-European petition which demands that alcoholic beverages in EU must declare ingredients (ENG, FRA, IT, FIN, SWE, GER)


Cilla Schroeder
Planner, The Finnish Network for Preventive Substance Abuse Work
cilla.schroeder (@)
+35850 407 4130